POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Pov-Ray, 3D Programming & Math. : Pov-Ray, 3D Programming & Math. Server Time
19 Nov 2024 03:45:37 EST (-0500)
  Pov-Ray, 3D Programming & Math.  
From: Thomas Lake
Date: 3 May 2002 06:44:41
Message: <3cd26a19@news.povray.org>
I've just started to learn programming in the past few months, using Java,
and I've progressed to the point where I can write some simple conversion
utilities, as long as I'm working with txt files eg. working with strings,
as well as some simple games and such. I've been having great fun playing
around with this and would be very interested in writing some more complex
3D utils, for doing more complex conversion and generating my own geometry.
However I don't think my math skills are quite up to the task yet, basic
algebra, calc, and trig i.e end of high school beginning university level.
If anyone could point me to some good, and preferably not too advanced,
resources for math and geometry I'd be very grateful! I'm also looking for
other Pov-Ray related programming projects, ones that do not involve much
math, to play around with If anyone could suggest any they think might be
useful please also let me know!:-)

Home Page: http://www.geocities.com/~thomaslake/

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